Explore the Great Barrier Reef, Papua New Guinea, and more with The Locators! Lucy, Oliver, and Moe the Parrot are on another mission, this time to Oceania. A group of kids solving problems in the world using maps, technology, and spatial thinking, the Locators are determined to help those who need it. From finding and growing healthy coral in the Great Barrier Reef to rescuing unique species in danger from wildfire in New South Wales, Lucy’s team has their hands full. Experience scuba diving in the ocean, explore a wombat’s burrow, and even follow a pod of whales along with the team as they work to successfully complete their mission. This fun adventure story includes map-based activities; puzzles, word searches, and other fun stuff; full-color illustrations; and interesting facts about endangered species, habitats, and more.
The Locators are on the job! A group of kids solving problems in the world using maps, technology, and spatial thinking, the Locators are determined to help those who need it. After crash landing in the Amazon during their first mission, Lucy, Oliver, and Moe the Parrot embark on an exciting adventure through South America. It’s up to Lucy and her friends to find and protect several endangered species that are in immediate jeopardy. From rockslides in the Andes mountains to volcano eruptions in the Galapagos Islands, the team experiences it all as they rush to complete their mission in time. Will you help them succeed? Full of fun, full-color illustrations, activities, and tons of facts about endangered species, habitats, and more, this adventure keeps kids interested and makes learning easy.
Over the course of their adventure, Lucy, Oliver, and Moe the Parrot will need your help navigating! Put your skills to the test by working through the Missions from the book.
Oceania Missions South America MissionsHelp Lucy, Oliver, and Moe the Parrot find and protect endangered animals during a wildfire in Australia in this fun, hands-on adventure where you'll learn how to think spatially and use GIS like a Locator.
Join the Locators for an adventure in OceaniaHelp Lucy, Oliver, and Moe the Parrot find and protect jaguars in the Amazon in this fun, hands-on adventure where you'll learn how to think spatially and use technology like a Locator.
Join the Locators for an adventure in the Amazon
Use The Locators in the classroom with our teaching guide.
See how the book meets Common Core and C3 standards.
Use global elevation data to predict how storm surges will flood coastlines.
Map warming temperatures, acidification, and deoxygenation with CMIP6 data.
Find optimal corridors to connect dwindling mountain lion populations.
Map the impact of roads on deforestation in the Amazon rain forest.
Animate a 3D tour of a famous geographer's epic journey.