Begin simple data mappings

To get started, you will download a .zip file that contains everything you will need for the tutorial. Once you download the data, you will then create and populate a simple data mapping workbook to define how you will migrate your data from your source geodatabase to your desired utility network model.

Download and explore the data

First, you'll download the data for this tutorial.

  1. Download the Water_Data_Loading .zip file and extract it to a location on your computer, such as to your Documents folder.
  2. Browse to the location where you extracted the .zip file and open the Water_Data_Loading folder. Open the Water Data Loading ArcGIS Pro project package.

    Water Data Loading file

    ArcGIS Pro opens and a map of sample water utility data appears.

    A map of your source data

    This map represents your utility's data. It's currently using the Local Government Information Model (LGIM) schema. This means that your data is recorded using a particular set of feature classes and attributes.

  3. In the Contents pane, scroll to find the Fitting, Station, and Service layers.

    Fitting, Station, and Service layers

    Each layer is symbolized using an attribute that exists in their respective attribute tables: Fitting Type, Structure Type, and Line Type. These attributes will be used later when you begin to map your existing data schema to the utility network's schema.

Create simple mappings

In this section, you will create a simple data mapping workbook that will be used to capture high-level data mappings. These data mappings allow you to define how your features migrate into the utility network. Later in the process, a tool will read these mappings and use them to customize the data model and build a data migration specific to your data.

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand Toolboxes. Expand the UtilityDataManagementSupport toolbox. Expand the Data Migration toolset.

    You can open the Catalog pane by clicking the View tab on the ribbon. In the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.

    UtilityDataManagementSupport toolbox

  2. Open the Create Simple Data Mapping tool.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears, and the Create Simple Data Mapping tool opens. This tool creates a Microsoft Excel workbook that maps your source geodatabase's schema to the utility network's schema, known as asset package. For this tutorial, you'll map from the ArcGIS Pro project's water_source.gdb to the WaterEssentials_AssetPackage.gdb.

  3. Set the following parameters:

    • For Source Dataset, browse to the project folder and choose water_source.gdb.
    • For Asset Package, browse to the project folder and choose WaterEssentials_AssetPackage.gdb.
    • For Output Folder, browse to the project folder. Right-click and choose Folder to create a folder. Name it Migration Workspace. Select it and click OK.
    • For Output Name, type Initial Mappings.

    Create Simple Data Mapping tool parameters

    The Create Simple Data Mappings tool uses subtypes to differentiate the types of equipment stored in each layer of your source database. If your data does not have subtypes, you can use the Source Types parameter to manually specify a set of fields for the tool to use for classifying the features in each layer.

    Since the source data doesn’t contain subtypes, you’ll create a table and edit it to contain three source types. Source types are important for identifying the various types of equipment you recorded in your model, such as the fittings, station structures, and service lines.

  4. For Source Types, click Create table.

    Create table button

    The Create_Simple_Data_Mapping_Source_Types table is created and added to the Contents pane. You'll populate this table with the attribute fields used to symbolize the Fitting, Station, and Service layers. When entering these attributes into the table, you'll use their field names instead of their field aliases.

  5. In the Contents pane, right-click Create_Simple_Data_Mapping_Source_Types and choose Open.

    The Create_Simple_Data_Mapping_Source_Types table opens. It is empty. You'll add three rows, one for each attribute of interest.

  6. In the Create_Simple_Data_Mapping_Source_Types table, click Click to add a new row.

    A row is added to the table.

  7. In the first row that appears, for Source Type, type fittingtype and press Enter.
  8. Add a second row and for Source Type, type linetype and press Enter.
  9. Add a third row and for Source Type, type structtype and press Enter.

    Three rows with the Source Type field completed


    The values you entered will work for this tutorial. However, you'll need to locate similar fields that differentiate the various assets for your specific utility's data.

    After you save your edits to the table, you'll run the Create Simple Data Mapping tool.

  10. In the Geoprocessing pane, under Pending edits, click Save Edits.

    Save Edits button

  11. Click Run.

    The tool creates a simple data mapping Excel workbook called DataMapping that you'll use to map all network layers in your source data to their corresponding utility network features. This table is dynamically generated using the layers and subtypes present in your data.

  12. Close the Create_Simple_Data_Mapping_Source_Types table.

Populate simple data mappings

Now that you've created a DataMapping workbook, you'll identify how your source data will be translated into the utility network's feature classes.

First, you'll open the workbook.

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand Folders. Expand the Water_Data_Loading and Migration Workspace folders.

    Expanded folders

  2. Right-click the Initial Mappings folder and choose Show In File Explorer.

    Show In File Explorer

    A File Explorer window appears and is open to the Initial Mappings folder. The DataMapping Excel workbook is visible.

  3. Open the DataMapping Excel workbook.

    DataMapping workbook

    This spreadsheet contains information about your source database, such as each feature class’s feature dataset, source type, source class. You’ll use this table to specify which features to migrate to the utility network. Not all layers in your source database will have corresponding features in the utility network; in that case, you will skip those rows in the spreadsheet.

    Next, you'll map the features classes from your source data listed in the Source Class column to the appropriate utility network feature class using the Target Utility Network Layer column. You'll start with the wCasing feature class in the second row of the table. The wCasing layer is a line layer that represents structural reinforcement to your water mains; it belongs in the StructureLine feature class of the utility network.

  4. For row 2, in the Target Utility Network Layer column, choose StructureLine.

    StructureLine in the Target Utility Network Layer column

    Next, you'll choose an asset group for the wCasing layer.

  5. For row 2, in the Target Asset Group column, choose Pipe Casing.

    Pipe Casing in the Target Asset Group column

    Finally, you'll choose an asset type for the wCasing layer.

  6. For row 2, in the Target Asset Type column, choose Casing.

    Casing in the Target Asset type column

    Later, during the data loading process, the wCasing feature class will be loaded into the chosen Target Utility Network Layer, Target Asset Group, and Target Asset Type.

    Next, you'll follow the same process for the wControlValve layer. Control valves are water devices because they affect the flow of water in the network. They also belong to the PressureValve asset group because they affect water pressure.

  7. For row 3, set the following:

    • Set Target Utility Network Layer to WaterDevice.
    • Set Target Asset Group to Pressure Valve.
    • Set Target Asset Type to Pressure Reducing.

    Mapping the wControlValve source feature class

    The wControlValve feature class has been mapped. You'll map one more feature class, wFitting. In the DataMapping table, there are multiple rows that represent fittings, but row 8 contains fittingtype values that are considered Other as noted in the Source Definition Query column.

    Row 8 shows fittings whose fittingtype is Other.

    This target model doesn't have a perfect match for this Other equipment type, but by selecting the Tee asset type, you are choosing to place it in a location in the model where it will act like a tee fitting.

  8. For row 8, set the following:

    • Set Target Utility Network Layer to WaterJunction.
    • Set Target Asset Group to Fitting.
    • Set Target Asset Type to Tee.

    Mapping the wFitting source feature class

    Now, you'll provide it with a new asset type to keep track of these fittings during and after the data loading process. Additionally, when a new asset type is specified using this spreadsheet, the Create Migration tool will automatically add and configure this new asset type to have the same configuration and behaviors as the Tee asset type.

  9. For row 8, in the New Asset Type column, type Other.

    New Asset Type value for row 8

    At this point, you would continue this process and complete these steps for the other feature classes listed in the Source Class column. However, a completed table has been provided to you in the project package you downloaded earlier.

  10. Save the DataMapping table and close Excel.
  11. In File Explorer, browse to the Water_Data_Loading folder. Open the CompleteMapping Excel file.

    CompleteMapping Excel file

    This table will be used for mapping your source data to the utility network. Notice that not all the layers in your source geodatabase will become features in the utility network model. In this example, the polygon boundary features—wOperationalArea and wPressureZone— in the source geodatabase were not given a Target Utility Network Layer value.

    The wOperationalArea and wPressureZone feature classes without a Target Utility Network Layer

  12. Close Excel.

    If you wanted to migrate these layers into the utility network, you would need to copy and paste these source layers manually during data migration from the source geodatabase to the target geodatabase.

Create a migration workspace

In this section, you'll use the simple data mappings you populated in Excel to create a data model and data loading workspace that will convert your source data into the corresponding utility network features.

You will then adjust the data loading workspace to populate some of the required fields on the system valve layer, so they are operable in the utility network.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, go to the Catalog pane. If necessary, expand Toolboxes, UtilityDataManagementSupport, and Data Migration.
  2. Double-click the Create Migration Workspace tool.

    Create Migration Workspace tool in the Catalog pane

    The Create Migration Workspace tool requires your source geodatabase, the asset package that you want to migrate your data into, the data mapping table you filled out, and a feature class representing your service territory. You'll also provide a location to store this workspace and give it a name.

  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, set the following:

    • For Source Database, browse to the project folder and select water_source.gdb.
    • For Asset Package, browse to the project folder and select WaterEssentials_AssetPackage.gdb.
    • For Data Mapping Spreadsheet, browse to the project folder and select CompleteMapping.
    • For Service Territory Polygon, browse to the water_source.gdb. Open the WaterDistribution feature dataset and choose the wOperationalArea feature class.
    • For Output Folder, browse to the project folder. Open Migration Workspace and choose Initial Mappings.
    • For Output Name, type Initial Workspace.

    Parameters in the Create Migration Workspace geoprocessing tool

    If you are doing your first pilot of the utility network you will also want to ensure that all the fields and domains from your source feature classes are copied to the corresponding utility network layers, so you will use the Copy Fields option.

    Copying all your fields makes it easier to compare your source and target model in the migrated database during the pilot. Once the pilot has completed you will want to review all the fields and determine which fields to keep and which fields to remove.

  4. Check the box next to Copy Fields.

    Copy Fields option

  5. Click Run.
  6. In the Catalog pane, expand Folders, Water_Data_Loading, Migration Workspace, Initial Mappings, Initial Workspace, and DataLoadingWorkspace.

    DataLoadingWorkspace folder


    If any of these folders are not visible, right-click the Water_Data_Loading folder and choose Refresh.

    The Initial Workspace folder contains your target data model named Initial Workspace.gdb along with a DataLoadingWorkspace folder that contains all the files required to migrate your data using the Esri data loading tools.

The target data model contains all the asset types that you specified in your simple data mapping workbook, as well as the fields that were migrated using the copy fields option.

While you can migrate your data using the workspace as it was created, you must make a few adjustments to this workspace to populate several required fields in the utility network.

Prepare the system valve workbook

The Create Migration Workspace tool created a data migration workspace that is used by the data loading tools to migrate your data to the utility network. Because these are generic data loading tools, they do not include any special logic for populating special fields required by the utility network models.

In this module, you'll modify the data loading workspace to populate several required fields on system valves to ensure the network can trace properly.

Open the data dictionary

Before you begin mapping data, you will explore the data model using the data dictionary included with the project.


If you have made any modifications to the schema, you must use the Generate Schema Report tool to generate a new data dictionary.

  1. In File Explorer, navigate to the Water_Data_Loading folder. Double-click the WaterEssentials_DataDictionary Excel file.

    Excel opens and the data dictionary for the WaterEssentials_UtilityNetwork geodatabase is displayed.

    Data dictionary

  2. Under Datasets, click main.Network.

    main.Network in the Name column

  3. Click NetworkAttributeAssignment.

    NetworkAttributeAssignment in column A

    This list shows all the fields required by this utility network data model.

    List of network attribute assignments required by the utility network

    These fields are populated with default values during data loading; however, if your source data already contains additional fields with a similar purpose, you need to map the values from your source fields to populate these new fields during migration.

  4. Under NetworkAttributeAssignment, filter the Source Name field to only show main.WaterDevice.

    Filter button on the Source Name column


    If you are unable to filter the Source Name column, you may need to click the Enable Editing button at the top of the Excel screen.

    The following values, shown under Field Name, are important for the utility network to function properly:

    • Asset Group—This field is mapped using the Simple Data Mapping tool. The asset group attribute represents the major classification of utility network classes.
    • Asset Type—This field is mapped using the Simple Data Mapping tool. The asset type attribute represents the minor classification of utility network classes. This allows further classification for each asset group.
    • Is Subnetwork Controller—This is a field managed by the utility network. It indicates whether a feature participates in the network as a subnetwork controller which defines the origin of a subnetwork.
    • Tier Name—This is a field managed by the utility network. It is the name of the tier to which the subnetwork belongs.
    • Construction Status—This field identifies the construction status of a feature from a work management system.
    • Lifecycle Status—This field is used during tracing to identify whether a feature in service or not.
    • Operable—This field is used during isolation traces to identify operable equipment.
    • Normal Status—This field is used during tracing to identify whether a valve is open or closed.

    You'll explore these fields further in the next section using the Excel workbooks created by the Create Migration Workspace tool.

Map fields

You will begin by populating the field mappings on the first sheet in the system valve workbook. The goal is to populate as many fields as possible in the target data model using the data that is available. Not all the fields in the feature class are needed, so if there is no value available for a field or you are not sure how to populate it, you can skip the field and come back to it later if necessary.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, in the Catalog pane, right-click DataReference and choose Show In File Explorer.

    Show In File Explorer

  2. In File Explorer, open the DataReference workbook.

    DataReference workbook file

    This workbook provides an overview of the various datasets that you have in your source data and which dataset they will be mapped to in the utility network. To understand how the attributes will be mapped between the source and target datasets, you'll explore one of the tables in the MappingWorkbook column. You'll map attributes for your utility's systems valves.

  3. In the MappingWorkbook column, click DataMapping/Points/wSystemValve-WaterDevice.xlsx.


    The wSystemValve-WaterDevice workbook opens. The TargetField column lists the attribute fields for the asset type in the utility network. The fields or mapped values that will populate these utility network attributes from the source data can be found in the Expression column.

    Several populated cells in the Expression column

    As you can see, some of values in the Expression column have been mapped automatically. The Create Migration Workspace tool automatically creates data mappings for any fields that have the same name between your source and target datasets. It also calculates the asset group and asset type fields for the feature because these were specified in your Simple Data Mapping workbook. However, you need to create mappings for other fields required by the utility network.

    The end of the previous section listed several fields that are required for the system valve asset type. In the Expression column, you'll see that Asset Group, Asset Type, and Operable will be populated. The Is Subnetwork Controller and Tier Name attributes are system fields managed by the utility network. However, Construction Status, Lifecycle Status, and Normal Status are not populated.

    Required fields

    You must determine which attributes from your source wSystemValve feature class can be used for these three required fields. A complete list of your source fields is available to you in the SourceSchema spreadsheet.

  4. Click the SourceSchema tab.

    SourceSchema tab

    The schema for the wSystemValve feature class is visible. You'll review this list of fields to determine if any of them can be used to populate the required fields. If your organization keeps an internal data dictionary or schema reference, you can refer to that information as well.

    Attributes for the wSystemValve feature class

    The NORMALLYOPEN field records the normal status of a valve and the ACTIVEFLAG field records the lifecycle status information. You also noticed that the utility network uses a different field to capture the rotation of features. While your attribute is called ROTATION, the utility network calls this symbolrotation.

    You did not find a field for constructionstatus in your source data. This is okay. During the data migration process a default value will be applied to this field for all your features.

    Next, you'll return to the mapping tab of the workbook and add this information to the expression field.

  5. Click the Mapping tab.
  6. For the normalstatus row, in the Expression column, choose !NORMALLYOPEN!.

    !NORMALLYOPEN! in the Expression column

    Next, you'll map the remaining fields in the same manner.

  7. For the lifecyclestatus row, in the Expression column, choose !ACTIVEFLAG!.
  8. For the symbolrotation row, in the Expression column, choose !ROTATION!.

    Now that you've found the common fields between the two models, you have finished the first step of mapping features from the source data to the asset package. Next, you'll create a lookup. This ensures that the attribute values in the domains are aligned between your source data and the utility network's asset package.

Create lookup for system valves

You created mappings for each of the fields and assumed that each field would map directly between the two layers. In this section, you’ll revisit this assumption and identify situations where you need to create lookups to translate domain values between the source data and the asset package. This may be as simple as translating a value of Yes to a Y or turning something more complex as a list of manufacturer names from the source data into a set of codes in the target data.

You'll explore and update the ACTIVEFLAG domain values from the source dataset to see if they match the expected values for the lifecyclestatus domain in the utility network. If they do not match, you'll use create a lookup to translate your old values to the new values expected by the utility network.

  1. In the wSystemValve-WaterDevice workbook, click the ACTIVEFLAG tab.



    You may have to scroll through the tabs in the workbook until you find the ACTIVEFLAG tab.

    This tab shows the domain values for the ACTIVEFLAG field in the source dataset.

    Domain for ACTIVEFLAG

    It has two values, 1, or True, if the valve is in service or 0, False, if the valve is out of service.

    Next, you'll explore the values that the utility network expects for the lifecycle status field.

  2. Restore the WaterEssentials_DataDictionary workbook. Click the TOC, or table of contents, tab.
  3. Under Datasets, click main.WaterDevice.

    main.WaterDevice dataset

    You are taken to a new tab in the workbook with detailed information about the WaterDevice feature class.

    Next, you'll explore the subtypes within this feature class. The subtype field for each utility network layer is its asset group.


    Every asset group in the utility network has a corresponding subtype, so when discussing asset groups it is often common to use the terms asset group and subtype interchangeably.

  4. Click SubtypeFieldInfo.


    All water device assets are listed, but right now, you're focused on the system valve. You'll filter the table to only show this asset type.

  5. Filter the Subtype Name column to only display System Valve.

    The Subtype Name column filtered to only show System Valve values.

    The System Valve and its fields in the utility network are shown. The Field Name column displays the attributes associated with this asset type.

  6. In the Field Name column, find the row that represents the lifecyclestatus attribute.

    lifecyclestatus default value

    It has a default value of 2. If you don't update this during the data loading process, all system valves will be given a value of 2. But what does 2 represent? To understand what this coded value means, you'll review lifecycle status domain.

  7. In the Domain Name column, for the lifecyclestatus attribute, click Lifecycle_Status.

    Lifecycle_Status in the Domain Name column

    You're taken to another worksheet that explains this domain's values. Under DomainCodedValue, four values are listed. The default value, 2, represents an asset that is In Service.

    Coded values for the lifecycle status domain

    Now, you know the lifecycle status values that the utility network uses. However, the values from your source data's active flag field, 0 and 1, are not a perfect match with the utility network's values. As a result, you'll update the ACTIVEFLAG tab in the wSystemValve-WaterDevice workbook to translate the values to their values expected by the utility network.

  8. Return to the wSystemValve-WaterDevice workbook. If necessary, click the ACTIVEFLAG tab.

    To create a look up and convert your values to those expected by the utility network, you'll add two additional columns to the ACTIVEFLAG tab. One column is for the code and the other column is for the description.

  9. Next to the BooleanDomain (Description) field, in column C, type New Lifecycle Status. In column D, type Description.

    Two columns added to the table


    When creating these columns, you can name them anything; however, for this tutorial, you will use the provided names. For your own migrations, you can use your own naming standard.

  10. In row 2, for the New Lifecycle Status column, type 0. For the Description, type Out of Service.

    Updated 0 value

    The 0 value from the source dataset aligns with the 0 value from utility network. The 1, or True, value needs to be converted. Recall that this value is 2 in the utility network and its description is In Service.

  11. In row 3, for the New Lifecycle Status column, type 2. For the Description, type In Service.

    Updated 1 value

    When the data is loaded, the values of 1 from the source data will be converted to 2. This data will now be read correctly by the utility network; the system valves will be in service.

    Now that you've finished creating the lookup, you will update the Mapping sheet to reference these columns.

  12. Click the Mapping tab.
  13. Find the lifecyclestatus row. Do the following:

    • In the LookupSheet column, type ACTIVEFLAG.
    • In the LookupKeys column, type ACTIVEFLAG.
    • In the LookupValue column, type New Lifecycle Status.
    • In the LookupDefault column, type 2.

    lifecyclestatus row

    The LookupSheet value determines which tab in the worksheet the lookup information is stored. The LookupKeys value explains which column in the LookupSheet worksheet contains the original values from the source data. LookupValue explains which column contains the values that should be used during data migration that will align with the utility network's values. LookupDefault determines which value should be the default value. In this case it will be 2, or In Service.

    The values that you type are highlighted in red. This is because you are not allowed to have both an expression and a lookup defined in the same row simultaneously. To solve this issue, you will remove the expression.

  14. In the lifecyclestatus row, delete the text in the Expression column.

    Blank Expression column

    The red highlighting disappears.

  15. Save the wSystemValve-WaterDevice workbook.
  16. Close any Excel workbooks that you have open.

    You do not need to save the WaterEssentials_DataDictionary or DataReference workbooks.

You have finished mapping the values from your source data to the utility network for the system valve layer. You are ready to deploy the utility network and migrate your data to this data model.

Load your data into the utility network

Now, you will use the data loading tools to populate the asset package workspace using your data mapping workspace. You will then use this asset package to deploy a local utility network for quality assurance purposes. Once you deploy the utility network you will validate the migrated data to identify any topological issues that need to be resolved with your data.

Run the data migration

You will now run a data loading geoprocessing tool to convert the data from your source geodatabase into the asset package using the workbook you created in this tutorial.

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro. If necessary, open your Water Data Loading project.
  2. On the ribbon, click the Analysis tab. In the Geoprocessing group, click Tools.

    Tools button

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  3. Click the Toolboxes tab. Under System, expand Data Management Tools and Data Loading. Open the Load Data Using Workspace tool.

    Load Data Using Workspace tool


    If you're testing your mappings and don't want to populate your target database, use the Load Data To Preview tool to run the migration to a temporary geodatabase for review.

  4. For Data Reference Workbook, click Browse. Browse to the Water_Data_Loading folder. Open the Migration Workspace, Initial Mappings, Initial Workspace, and DataLoadingWorkSpace folders.
  5. Select DataReference and click OK.

    DataReference file

  6. Click Run.

Deploy the utility network

Next, you will use the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox to deploy the utility network to a local geodatabase for quality assurance and testing purposes.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, click Back.

    Back button

  2. Under Project, expand the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox. Expand the Asset Package toolset. Open the Asset Package To Geodatabase tool.

    Asset Package To Geodatabase tool

    The Asset Package To Geodatabase tool is used to deploy a utility network to a local geodatabase for quality assurance purposes.


    To deploy your data to an enterprise geodatabase, you would use the Stage Utility Network and Apply Asset Package tools. These tools are best used to deploy a fully cleaned dataset to a production environment.

  3. For Asset Package, browse to the Initial Workspace folder. Select Initial Workspace.gdb and click OK.

    Asset Package parameter

    The Service Territory Feature Class parameter is automatically filled out. Additionally, this prepopulates many elements in the tool using the contents of the Initial Workspace geodatabase. By default, the output geodatabase will be created in the base directory of your project.

    Since this is the first migration of your source data to the utility network you'll want to disable the automatic post-processing of the utility network. Unselecting this option allows you to perform quality assurance on your data migration while the topology is still disabled. If post processing is not turned off, the deployment will fail if too many errors are detected.

  4. Under Asset Package Options. Uncheck the box next to Post Process.

    Post Process parameter unchecked

  5. Click Run.

    This tool may take a few minutes to run. If you run this tool with your own data, it may take longer depending on the size of your input geodatabase.

Perform quality assurance

Now that you have deployed a local utility network, you'll perform quality assurance to identify any topology errors in your data. Fortunately, the utility network will validate all features in the network when it is first enabled. Once the topology is enabled, it will continuously track and validate the network topology as features are edited using dirty areas.

After the topology errors are identified, you'll output a report to review and classify the errors. This report is used to address the issues that require manual source data cleanup and configuration changes.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the Back button.
  2. Under System, expand the Utility Network Tools toolbox. Expand the Administration toolset. Open the Enable Network Topology tool.

    Enable Network Topology tool

  3. For Input Utility Network, click Browse. In the Input Utility Network window, browse to the Water_Data_Loading folder. Open the Initial Workspace_UtilityNetwork.geodatabase. Open the main.UtilityNetwork feature dataset. Select main.Network and click OK.

    If you do not see Initial Workspace_UtilityNetwork.geodatabase in the Water_Data_Loading folder. Right-click in the Input Utility Network window and choose Refresh.

    Input Utility Network parameter

    Next, you'll change the settings for the number of errors that are detected by this tool.

  4. Expand Advanced Options.
  5. For Maximum number of errors, clear the default value. Check the box next to Only generate errors.

    Advanced Option parameters

    Leaving the Maximum number of errors empty removes the limit on the number of errors the tool identifies before failing.

    Selecting Only generate errors ensures that the errors from validating the network topology will be persisted without enabling the network topology for analysis.

  6. Click Run.

    This process should only take a few seconds to complete on the tutorial data. It can take several minutes or hours to run on larger datasets.

    Next, you'll review the results and create a quality assurance report.

  7. Click the Back button.
  8. Under Project, expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox. Expand the Utility Network toolset. Open the Summarize Utility Network Errors tool.

    Summarize Utility Network Errors tool

  9. For Input Network, browse to the Water_Data_Loading folder. Open Initial Workspace_UtilityNetwork.geodatabase and open the main.UtilityNetwork feature dataset. Select main.Network and click OK.

    Summarize Utility Network Errors tool parameters

    This tool can identify many different types of errors. Since you're only interested in topology errors right now, you'll leave Error Options with the default selection of Extract Dirty Areas and Associations in Error.

    By default, the summary of errors is saved to the project folder.

  10. Click Run.

    A geodatabase named Summary.geodatabase is created. You'll explore some of the tables that are contained in it next.

  11. In the Catalog pane, in the Water_Data_Loading folder, expand Summary.geodatabase. Right-click main.View_Error_Summary and choose Open Table.

    Open Table option for the main.View_Error_Summary table


    If the Summary.geodatabase is not visible, right-click the Water_Data_Loading folder and click Refresh.

    main.View_Error_Summary table

    The main.View_Error_Summary table opens. This table provides a summary of all the topology errors in the utility network. This sample dataset contains four types of errors.

  12. In the Catalog pane, in Summary.geodatabase, right-click the main.View_Errors_By_Type table.

    main.View_Errors_By_Type table

    This table provides a more detailed breakdown of all the different types of errors in your migrated data. It is often used to develop a detailed cleanup plan for your source data.

  13. Close the main.View_Errors_By_Type and main.View_Error_Summary tables.
  14. In the Catalog pane, in Summary.geodatabase, expand main.Data.
  15. Right-click main.Errors, point to Add To New, and choose Map.

    Map button to add the main.Errors feature class to a map

    A layer of polygons representing network errors is added to a map for review.

  16. Zoom to one of the polygons on the map. Click the polygon to review its error.

    Pop-up for a polygon representing a topological error

    Adding this main.Errors feature class containing errors to a map of your source data identifies those areas that need cleanup as you prepare the utility network for a production environment. It is often useful to provide this feature class to editors to indicate where they need to perform source data cleanup.

  17. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project.

    Save button.

In this module, you ran your own data migration to create a utility network. You then enabled the network topology to find errors in your source data and explored one of them.

You successfully created a prototype utility network by migrating data from your source database into one of the utility network foundation data models. You used the Create Simple Data Mapping tool to create simple data mapping workbook which you then used to map your data from your source database to your target database. You then used the Create Migration Workspace tool to create a data migration and extended the model by adding a new asset type and copying fields from your source database. You then adjusted the data migration by changing field mappings and adding lookups to translate data between the two models. You then used the Load Data to Workspace tool to migrate your data into the target asset package.

Finally, you deployed a local utility network for quality assurance purposes using the Asset Package to Geodatabase tool. You then created a report of all topological errors in the database using the Summarize Utility Network Errors tool. You can use this report to create a data cleanup plan. Knowing how to identify topology errors in your data is an important part of preparing for your migration to the utility network.

You can find more information on the utility network in this tutorial series and in the tutorial gallery.

If you want to learn more about the different industry data models, read the Introducing Utility Network Foundations. Each foundation includes an asset package that is used to assist in migration and deploying of the utility network. You can learn more about the tools used to deploy by reading An overview of the Utility Network Package Toolbox.

To learn about additional tools to help make your data migration and data cleanup journey easier read Utility Data Management Support Tools.

Finally, to know more about the tools used to load data, read An overview of the Data Loading toolbox.