Explore a report

Watch the video to learn about interactive reports in Insights. You can follow along using the Cycling collisions in Ottawa, Canada workbook.

Add the data

You'll create your own workbook in ArcGIS Insights. First, you'll download the data required for your analysis. Then, you'll add the data to the workbook.

  1. Download the Wards.gdb zip file.

    This item is a file geodatabase that contains a spatial data layer that can be added to ArcGIS applications.

  2. Download the Traffic Collisions by Location 2015-2018 file.

    This item is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains information about traffic collisions in Ottawa between 2015 and 2018. You've downloaded the data you'll need for this tutorial.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • To complete the tutorial in Insights in ArcGIS Online, go to ArcGIS Insights and click Sign in. Sign in to your ArcGIS organizational account.
    • To complete the tutorial in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise, sign in to your portal. On the ribbon, next to your username, click the App Launcher button and choose Insights.
    • To complete the tutorial in Insights desktop, launch the Insights desktop app and sign in to your ArcGIS organizational account, if prompted.

    To access Insights, your organization’s administrator must grant you a license for it. If you don’t have an ArcGIS account or a license for Insights, see options for software access.

    First, you'll create a dataset using the geodatabase you downloaded.

  4. On the home page, click the Datasets tab.

    Datasets tab


    If the Datasets tab is not available, it's likely that your account isn't licensed to use ArcGIS Insights.

    The Datasets tab lists the datasets available in your organization.

  5. Click New dataset.

    New dataset button

  6. In the New dataset window, click Browse my computer. Browse to and double-click the Wards.gdb file that you downloaded.
  7. In the New dataset window, set the following parameters:
    • For Name, type Ottawa Wards.
    • For Type, choose File geodatabase.
    • For Tags, type Wards, Ottawa.
    • For Summary, type Data for Ottawa wards.
  8. Click Add.

    The Ottawa Wards dataset is added to your Datasets page. Next, you'll add it to a workbook.

  9. In the list of datasets, click the name of the Ottawa Wards dataset you created.

    Ottawa Wards dataset

    The workbook is created and the Add to page window appears. The Ottawa Wards dataset is selected by default.

    Next, you'll upload the spreadsheet of traffic collisions you downloaded previously.

  10. Click the Upload file tab.

    Upload file tab

  11. Click Browse my computer. Browse to and double-click the Traffic_Collisions_by_Location_2015-2018 spreadsheet.

    The spreadsheet is added to the Selected Data section.

    Selected data

    Now that all of your data is selected, you'll add it to the workbook.

  12. Click Add.

    Two datasets are added to your untitled workbook and a map of Ottawa's wards is created.

    Workbook with two datasets and a map card

Create a map card

You use cards and pages to organize information in a workbook. Each page can contain multiple cards, and each card can contain a map, chart, or table.

Your workbook contains one page and one card. The card includes a map of Ottawa's wards. You won't need this map, so you'll delete it.

  1. Click the map card to enable it. Click the Card options button and click the Delete button.

    Card options and Delete buttons

    The map card is deleted.

  2. On the ribbon, click Untitled Workbook to make the workbook name editable. Type Ottawa cycling accidents and press Enter.

    Next, you'll create a map of traffic collisions. Your traffic collision data is in the form of a spreadsheet. To add it to a map, you'll need to enable its location.

  3. In the data pane, point to the traffic collisions table, click the Dataset options button, and choose Enable location.

    Enable location option

    The Enable location pane appears. The default method to enable a location is to use coordinate data in the spreadsheet. Your collisions dataset includes information on the longitude and latitude of each collision, and these fields were chosen by default in the pane. However, the dataset also includes X and Y fields, which contain coordinate information that has been converted to a specific spatial reference. You'll use these fields and set the spatial reference accordingly.

  4. For X (Longitude), choose X. For Y (Latitude), choose Y.
  5. For Spatial reference, click the drop-down menu. Type 2951 in the search box and choose 2951 - NAD 1983 CSRS MTM 9.

    Your dataset may have multiple collisions that occurred at the same location, so you'll make sure identical features are not aggregated.

  6. Check Repeat identical features.

    Parameters for the Enable location pane

  7. Click Run.

    A location field called Coordinates is added to the dataset.


    To view the fields in a dataset, click the arrow next to the dataset name.

  8. In the data pane, drag the traffic collisions dataset onto the page and drop it on the Map drop zone.

    Map drop zone

    A map card is created. It shows traffic collisions in Ottawa as points.

    Default map showing traffic collisions in Ottawa

    Next, you'll rename the collisions dataset to give it a shorter name.

  9. In the data pane, point to the traffic collisions dataset and click the Rename dataset button.

    Rename dataset button

  10. Type Collisions and press Enter.

    The dataset is renamed. Next, you'll explore the dataset's fields to become familiar with the data.

  11. Click the Collisions arrow to expand its fields.

    Fields for the Collisions dataset

    You already learned about the Coordinates, X, Y, Longitude, and Latitude fields when you enabled location. The TOTAL_COLL field counts all collisions in a specific location for a given year, while the CYCLIST_CO field counts collisions involving cyclists and the PEDESTRIAN field counts collisions involving pedestrians. The CYCLIST_CO and PEDESTRIAN fields are included in the calculation of the TOTAL_COLL field.

    For your analysis, CYCLIST_CO is the most important field. You'll use this field a lot, but its current name isn't self-explanatory, so you'll rename it.

  12. Point to the CYCLIST_CO field and click the Rename field button. Type Number of cyclists and press Enter.
  13. Click the Collisions arrow to collapse its fields.

    Before you continue your analysis, you'll also rename the page.

  14. At the bottom of the page, click Page 1, type Collisions by ward, and press Enter.

    Page renamed to Collisions by ward

  15. On the ribbon, click the Save button.

    Save button

In this tutorial, you created a workbook, added data, enabled location on a spreadsheet, and created a map. In the next tutorial, you will use aggregation to analyze the collisions by ward spatially and nonspatially.