Explore Paris with ArcGIS Online

Navigate the map

You can move around a map by panning, zooming, and searching.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS account.

    If you don't have an organizational account, see options for software access.

    If you encounter an error or are unable to sign into your account, remember that passwords are case-sensitive. If you forget your ArcGIS password, you can reset your password from the sign in page. See Account Troubleshoot for more information.

  2. On the ribbon, click the Map tab.

    Map tab on the ribbon


    Depending on your organizational and user settings, you may have opened Map Viewer Classic. ArcGIS Online offers two map viewers for viewing, using, and creating maps. For more information on the map viewers available and which to use, please see this FAQ.

  3. If necessary, in the pop-up window, click Open in Map Viewer or on the ribbon, click Open in Map Viewer.

    Map Viewer opens.

    Map Viewer includes two vertical toolbars-the Contents (dark) toolbar and the Settings (light) toolbar. Use the Contents toolbar to manage and view the map contents and work with the map. Use the Settings toolbar to access options for configuring and interacting with map layers and other map components.


    You can click the Expand or Collapse button at the bottom of each toolbar to expand or collapse them.

  4. Zoom to Europe. There are several ways you can zoom:
    • Click the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to change the scale of the map and pan the map by dragging the map in any direction to change the extent of the map.
    • Zoom by scrolling your mouse wheel or press Shift and draw a box around the area you want to zoom to.

    Zoom In and Zoom Out controls and the area of Europe you will zoom into

    Next, you'll change the basemap, to have a different view of the earth while you explore. A basemap provides a background of geographical context for the content you want to display on a map.

  5. On the Contents toolbar, click the Basemap button.

    Basemap button

    The Basemap pane appears.

  6. In the Basemap pane, choose the Imagery Hybrid basemap.

    Imagery Hybrid in the basemap gallery

    Your map updates to show the Imagery Hybrid basemap, which includes satellite imagery of the earth’s surface with labels of roads and important places.

  7. Explore the new basemap by zooming and panning.

    As you zoom in, more labels appear, and the imagery is replaced by more detailed versions. The basemap is a multiscale map, meaning that it shows different information at different scales.

    Next, you will navigate to a famous landmark in Paris, France: the Eiffel Tower.

  8. Click the Search button on the map.

    Search button

    The search bar appears in the upper corner of the map.

  9. In the search bar, type Eiffel Tower and press Enter.

    Search bar

    The map zooms to Paris, where the Eiffel Tower is located, and a pop-up appears over the famous landmark.

    Pop-up for the Eiffel Tower

Mark locations

In Map Viewer, you can create features on a map by creating a sketch layer. A sketch layer is a type of feature collection. When you create a sketch layer, you create features to symbolize something you want to show on the map.

Next, you'll use the Sketch tool to mark the Eiffel Tower as a location of interest.

  1. In the Search result pop-up, click Add to new sketch.

    Add to new sketch on the Search result pop-up

    The Sketch pane and the sketch tools appear on the map.

  2. On the Contents pane, click Layers.

    A new layer named Sketch is added to the Layers pane. Next, you will edit the symbol style.

  3. On the sketch tools, ensure the Select tool is selected.

    Select tool on the sketch tools.

  4. On the map, click the marker for the Eiffel Tower.

    The marker is a point feature, representing the Eiffel Tower. The point feature highlights in blue, indicating that it is selected.

    Point in Sketch layer selected on the map

  5. In the Sketch pane, under Current symbol, click Vector point.

    Click on Vector point

  6. For Category in the drop-down menu select Pins and choose a pin of your choice.
    Choose a pin.
  7. Click Done.
  8. For Size , type 30.
    Set the Size to 30.
  9. Expand the second Vector marker option, and for Colors, choose blue.
    Choose blue for symbol color.
  10. Click anywhere on the map to deselect the point.

    The point feature style is ready.

    Add a point representing the location of Eiffel Tower.

  11. Close the Sketch pane.

    Next, you will create a bookmark. Bookmarks provide shortcuts to places on a map. When others click a bookmark, the map zooms to that location.

  12. On the map, click the Search button to open the search bar.
  13. In the search bar, type Paris and press Enter.

    The map zooms out to show the entire city of Paris, France.

  14. On the Contents toolbar, click the Bookmarks button and on the Bookmarks pane, click Add bookmark.

    Add bookmark

  15. For Title, type Paris and click Add.

    Adding a Paris bookmark

    You now have a bookmark of this map extent which shows the entire city of Paris, France.

  16. Close the Bookmarks pane and the pop-up.

    Now that you've marked locations in two ways, you'll explore how to change the zoom level and extent of your map to see the two marked locations.

  17. On the map, click the Eiffel Tower point.

    A pop-up for the point appears.

    Eiffel Tower pop-up

  18. On the pop-up, click Zoom to three times.

    Each time you click Zoom to, the map zooms closer to the Eiffel Tower.

    Map zoomed to the Eiffel Tower.

  19. Close the pop-up.
  20. On the Contents toolbar, click the Bookmarks button and click Paris.

    The map zooms back out to show the extent of the city. You can also see the Eiffel Tower symbol you created earlier in the tutorial.

    Map zoomed to Paris.

Add layers

Maps are made up of layers of data. You can add layers from different sources, for example, files stored on your computer, or data hosted on ArcGIS Online. The basemap you changed is one kind of layer, and the Sketch layer you created is another. Next, you'll add a layer from ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, a collection of geographic information from around the globe available through ArcGIS Online.

  1. In the Contents pane, click the Add button and choose Browse layers.

    Browse ArcGIS Living Atlas layers in the Add menu.

    The Browse layers pane appears.

  2. In the Browse layers pane, click My Content and in the drop-down list, choose Living Atlas.
  3. In the search bar, type fontaines Paris and press Enter.
  4. Locate the layer named Fontaines sur l'espace public à Paris and click the Add button to add the layer to the map.

    Add button on the Fontaines sur l'espace public à Paris layer

    More than 1,000 points appear on the map.

    This layer contains data of water fountains, both drinkable fountains and fountains for urban landscaping, in public spaces in the city. It is provided by the city's water department—Mairie de Paris / Direction de la Propreté et de l'Eau—through Esri France.

  5. On the Contents toolbar, click the Layers button to return to the Layers pane.
  6. On the map, click any point in the Fontaines layer.

    Pop-up for a fountain feature

    A pop-up appears, providing more information about each water fountain, including its address. The informational elements that are tied to each location are called attributes.

  7. Close the pop-up.

    Finally, you will compare two layers of information to learn something new. You want to know how many drinking fountains are in Jardin du Champ de Mars where the Eiffel Tower is located.

    First, you need to understand what the fountain symbols represent.

  8. On the Contents toolbar, click Legend.

    A legend shows what the symbols in the fontaines layer represent.

    Legend pane showing what the symbols mean for the Fontaines sur l'espace public a Paris layer

    The purple squares are potable fountains, meaning they are fountains with water that is safe to drink. The grey squares represent pas potable, or not potable, fountains, meaning they are fountains containing water people should not drink.

    Now that you know you are looking for purple square symbols, you will set up your map to answer your question.

  9. Zoom closer to the Eiffel Tower.
  10. Use what you have learned to change the basemap to Topographic.

    The map is now set up so you can more easily see the fountains in the garden area.

    Map showing the fountains in Paris over the Topography basemap.

    How many potable fountains are within the light green Jardin du Champ de Mars park area?

Save the map

You may want to continue adding layers, but you'll save the map before making any further changes.

  1. On the Contents toolbar, click Save and open and click Save as.

    Save and open button

  2. For Title, type Paris, France.
  3. For Folder, you can change it from the default home folder and for Categories you can add categories as per your choice.
  4. For Tags, type location, Eiffel Tower, and water fountains, pressing Enter after each tag.
  5. For Summary, type Map of Paris, showing the location of the Eiffel Tower, and of public water fountains.

    Save map window with paramtered entered

    You can also change the folder or add categories as per your choice.

  6. Click Save.

    The map is saved to your ArcGIS Online account. Next, you'll explore where the map is stored in your ArcGIS Online account so that you can access it again at a later point.

  7. At the top of the page, next to the map title, click the menu button and choose Content.

    Content button in the ArcGIS Online navigation menu

    The Content page appears. Your Paris, France map is listed at the top of the list.

    Paris, France web map in the content list

    You can open your web map again by clicking the more options button for your Paris, France web map and choosing Open in Map Viewer.

In this tutorial, you learned how to explore a map by panning, zooming, and searching. You learned how to mark locations with sketch tools and with bookmarks. You learned how to change the basemap layer and add layers to a map. Finally, you learned how to save a map and locate it on the Content page.

Using what you have learned, try creating a map of another location like your hometown or a city you'd like to visit someday.

You can find more tutorials in the tutorial gallery.