Cycling collisions in Ottawa, Canada

Learn about ArcGIS Insights by viewing an interactive report.

  • 10mins
  • Article

Create a workbook in ArcGIS Insights

Create a workbook, add data, and enable location on a non-spatial dataset.

  • 20mins
  • Tutorial

Analyze aggregated data in ArcGIS Insights

Use spatial analysis to determine where the most accidents took place.

  • 20mins
  • Tutorial

Filter and join data in ArcGIS Insights

Determine the relationship between traffic accidents and route type.

  • 20mins
  • Tutorial

Using Design Principles to Enhance the Visual Appearance of an ArcGIS Insights Workbook

Design your Insights pages and share your analysis as a report.

  • 50mins
  • Website & Guide

Create your first script in the Insights scripting environment

Use the Insights scripting environment to perform a data engineering workflow.

  • 20mins
  • Article