Smart mapping: get started

Smart mapping is here to help you create effective and impactful maps in Map Viewer. This guide is here to explain what smart mapping is, and how to get started.

  • 25mins
  • Story

Explore Paris with ArcGIS Online

Learn the basics of navigating and creating maps in ArcGIS Online.

  • 15mins
  • Tutorial

Design symbology for a thematic map in ArcGIS Online

Make a population map of Indonesia.

  • 1hr(s)
  • Tutorial

Design symbology for a thematic map in ArcGIS Pro

Make a population map of Indonesia.

  • 1hr(s)
  • Tutorial

Create a scene

Make a 3D web scene to illustrate a city council plan.

  • 20mins
  • Tutorial

Convert a web map into a print map

Convert an existing web map of historic cities in Africa into a static map and layout in ArcGIS Pro.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial