Explore different ways to project the round earth onto a flat map.
Learn more about what projected coordinate systems are and why they are important to use.
Learn some tips for choosing an appropriate projected coordinate system for your map.
What's the difference between a GCS and a PCS?
Pick a projected coordinate system for you map based on the layers included in your map. Check the details of the coordinate systems to confirm they are appropriate for your map.
Make web maps with projections other than Web Mercator. Publish a vector tile layer from ArcGIS Pro to make a basemap in a chosen projected coordinate system.
Learn how to create a custom coordinate system for when no existing projected coordinate system is right for your region of interest.
Use the Define Projection tool to replace missing coordinate system information.
How does ArcGIS draw your data in the right place?
Clarifying some commonly confused terms and concepts.
Gallery of seventy-one map projections currently supported in ArcGIS 10.8 and ArcGIS Pro 2.5.