Introducing ArcGIS Velocity article

Read the article introducing ArcGIS Velocity, a new and exciting real-time and big data processing and analysis capability in ArcGIS Online.

  • 10mins
  • Article

Create roles and assign users for ArcGIS Velocity

Learn how to get started with ArcGIS Velocity by creating roles and assigning users in your ArcGIS Online organization.

  • 10mins
  • Tutorial

ArcGIS Velocity: Get started video

Watch the video of the ArcGIS Velocity: Get started lesson included in the learn path.

  • 5mins
  • Video

ArcGIS Velocity: Get started lesson

Learn how to get started using ArcGIS Velocity including accessing the application, creating feeds, exploring real-time and big data analytics, and more.

  • 20mins
  • Tutorial

ArcGIS Velocity: Create a feed video

Watch the video of the ArcGIS Velocity: Create a feed lesson included in the learn path.

  • 8mins
  • Video

ArcGIS Velocity: Create a feed lesson

Learn how to create a feed in ArcGIS Velocity and ingest real-time AIS vessel data and visualize the vessels in a web map.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial

ArcGIS Velocity: Design a real-time analytic video

Watch the video of the ArcGIS Velocity: Design a real-time analytic lesson included in the learn path.

  • 12mins
  • Video

ArcGIS Velocity: Design a real-time analytic lesson

Learn how to design a real-time analytic to enrich streaming AIS vessel data with the U.S. Coast Guard District each vessel is currently in and visualize the results in a web map.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial

ArcGIS Velocity: Design a big data analytic video

Watch the video of the ArcGIS Velocity: Design a big data analytic lesson included in the learn path.

  • 10mins
  • Video

ArcGIS Velocity: Design a big data analytic lesson

Learn how to design a big data analytic to analyze vehicle accidents involving bicyclists over a multi-year period in New York City.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial