The power of maps

Explore five maps that inspire and engage.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial

Explore Paris with ArcGIS Online

Learn the basics of navigating and creating maps in ArcGIS Online.

  • 15mins
  • Tutorial

Make a map of China

Make a map of China to learn the basics of working with maps and layers.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial

Map the highest mountains

Make a map of five of the highest mountains in the world and create custom interactive pop-ups.

  • 40mins
  • Tutorial

Convert a list of historic places into a map in ArcGIS Online

Use geocoding to map some of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Africa.

  • 45mins
  • Tutorial

Map meaningful places in your community

Create a survey to collect data on places that are important to you and your classmates and map the results.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial

Site a new hospital

Find possible locations for a new hospital based on spatial and attribute criteria.

  • 40mins
  • Tutorial

Map a historic cholera outbreak

Use GIS to learn about a historic example of geographic problem-solving.

  • 25mins
  • Tutorial

Create an endangered species story

Share information about an endangered species by creating and designing a story using ArcGIS StoryMaps.

  • 20mins
  • Tutorial

Make a dashboard to monitor wildfires

Create a dashboard showing a map of active wildfires and key indicators.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial