Data basics

Learn about the main types of data layers supported in ArcGIS Online and what you can do with them.

  • 2mins
  • Video

Manage data in ArcGIS Online

Use hosted feature layers to provide relevant data to city employees managing interactions between citizens and wildlife.

  • 25mins
  • Tutorial

Show images in pop-ups

Add fields and attachments to a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online.

  • 15mins
  • Tutorial

Create a layer and add features

Create an empty feature layer, define fields, and use the Map Viewer editing tools to add features.

  • 10mins
  • Tutorial

Save a copy of a layer

Manage layer properties for a feature layer in ArcGIS Online.

  • 10mins
  • Tutorial

Make a layer editable

Publish a hosted feature layer and create a layer view. Configure sharing and editing settings on each layer.

  • 10mins
  • Tutorial

Join a table to a feature layer in ArcGIS Online

Display the data from a .csv file on a map.

  • 15mins
  • Tutorial

Get started with ArcGIS Arcade

Learn the basics of ArcGIS Arcade to derive and display new information from your data on the fly.

  • 45mins
  • Tutorial