Convert a map to a 3D scene

Convert a 2D map to a 3D scene and set elevation properties.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial

Visualize the expansion of public transportation

Make a 3D animation to show a proposed rail line to citizens.

  • 1hr(s) 10mins
  • Tutorial

Author and share a web scene

Learn how to create a 3D building with editing tools and share the scene to a portal.

  • 30mins
  • Tutorial

Visualize social distancing across California

Understand social distancing metrics from SafeGraph with space time pattern-mining and by visualizing multidimensional data as voxels in ArcGIS Pro.

  • 2hr(s) 30mins
  • Tutorial

Construct realistic buildings with multipatch editing

Create detailed 3D building models with real-world image textures.

  • 50mins
  • Tutorial

Introduction to voxel layers

In this course, you will learn about key concepts associated with multidimensional data, how to create voxel layers, and how to visualize and explore these layers in ArcGIS Pro.

  • 1hr(s) 50mins
  • Website & Guide
  • English Only